How We Can Work Together

  • The Fragrant Oracle by Julie Nelson

    New! The Fragrant Oracle Deck

    Mother Earth speaks to you through her flowers and trees, herbs and fruits. You feel a deep connection rising from within you when you are tuned in to her magick.

    You have experienced her enchantment and now you are ready to be inspired by the Fragrant Oracle and her magick.

    These cards carry the essence of women of the world both ancient and modern, Witches, Priestesses, Goddesses, the essence of You.

  • Create Your Signature Perfume with Julie Nelson

    Create Your SIgnature Perfume - An Exclusive Workshop

    Capture the essence of your being, infuse it with your intention and be Unapologetically YOU!

    - Embrace your femininity and sensuality

    - Attract more of what you desire

    - Build your confidence

    - Feel Empowered and Unstoppable

    - BE Unforgettable!

    Unlock the Secret of Your Signature Scent and indulge in the mystique of traditional artisan perfume making.

  • Rich Witch Academy of the Magickal Arts

    Rise Unapologetically

    Whether you aspire to be a Witch or are a seasoned Witch, this is for women who desire to create potent shifts in their life using the power and energy of Mother Nature and the Universal energies as well as her own divine Magick.

  • Bespoke Perfume Julie Nelson

    Bespoke Perfumery

    For the Sexy, Irresistible & Divine Woman…The SIDW Experience -

    A truly unique experience, Your bespoke perfume is one of a kind designed and created exclusively for you and only you.

    Your perfume is connected to your body, mind and soul no one else’s!

  • Soul Astrology Julie Nelson

    Soul Astrology

    The stars and planets above are our greatest navigation tools.

    From the exact time of your birth, the planetary alignment tells us a story about who you are and who you are destined to become.

    A Sacred Soul Astrology reading gives you the blueprint to move forward to change your life.